Dear catalyst water customers, over the past 28 years Enhanced Water Products Inc has built a solid reputation of selling and producing quality products, because of our present economy we have decided to have our own stimulus plan for our customers.
8oz Bottle of Catalyst Water - Regular price $17.50
8oz Bottle of Bio Gel - Regular price $17.50
Discount Stimulus Price
2 - 8oz Bottles of Catalyst Water
2 - 8oz Bottles of Bio Gel
1 case of 12 - 8oz Catalyst Water - Regular price $210.00
1 case of 12 - 8oz Bio Gel - Regular price $210.00
Discount Stimulus Price
1 case of 12 - 8oz Catalyst Water
1 case of 12 - 8oz Bio Gel
*Shipping and handling included
and Distributor of Catalyst Water and Gels Since 1981
Penn Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 • 952.881.6260