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Catalyst Water The Nutritional Freeway



This is one of the many letters we have received from Dog owners that we would like to share with you.

My Husband and I have been in the Dog grooming business for over ten years. We have a very busy shop and usually groom over 250 Dogs per month.

We’ve found Catalyst water a very useful tool for us.

We have many Dogs that are nervous and extremely noisy. I’ve found that if I spray a Dogs mouth six to eight times it almost immediately calms down and quiets down considerably.

This makes the Dogs much easer to work with and much more pleasant to spend time with. The interesting thing about using the water is that it doesn’t seem to have the bad side affects that using tranquilizers would. There is no grogginess sleepiness and the Dogs seem alert in every way.

The other day a big Bassett Hound came in for a bath. Normally he barks from the time he hits the door until the time he leaves. Since his mother was getting a permanent, he was going to be with us the whole afternoon. Naturally, I was not to thrilled. Since Bassett's have short hair and don’t need to be clipped, I was able to spray his whole body. As soon as he came in I sprayed him from top of his head to the tip of his tail with Catalyst Water in a spray mister. The Dog was with us for over four hours and didn’t yip at all. The Catalyst water sure saved our sanity that afternoon.

The other day I was grooming an epileptic Dog. Almost immediately when I started grooming her she had a epileptic convulsion.

Normally there is nothing you can do to help the Dog with this problem except to hold it and try to keep it calm and from hurting itself. As an experiment I sprayed its mouth and the whole head with Catalyst Water. Much to my amazement it immediately came out of the epileptic fit and acted just fine.

I am anxious to try this again in the same circumstances, but so far haven’t had the opportunity.

Our own Dog Moe, a miniature Schnauzer is on the water and with in a week from the time I started on it the dermatitis on his back completely cleared up and within three weeks, his arthritis cleared up enough so that he could once again jump up on our couch.

Bob and Gaye Wichman

Click on the links below to read the letters we received from users of our products for horses and cattle.

Manufacture and Distributor of Catalyst Water and Gels Since 1981

8337 Penn Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 • 952.881.6260

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